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Message Board > The Strength and Beauty of Zirconia Screw-Retained
The Strength and Beauty of Zirconia Screw-Retained
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Denver Alaskas
Apr 15, 2024
6:21 AM
In current dental device, zirconia screw-retained bridges provide an ideal blend of endurance and aesthetics. These bridges, which are constructed of superior zirconia, have unmatched power and a genuine, natural look. Zirconia bridges are an excellent option for people with sensitivity issues as they are biocompatible, lightweight, and corrosiveĀ in contrast with standard metal-based bridges. A tight fit is ensured by the screw-retained design, which promotes stability and functionality during the long run. Patients can feel more confident in their smiles with Zirconia Screw Retained Bridges because they have a dependable and visually beautiful dental treatment.

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