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Message Board > Management Of The Cryptocurrency Community: How To
Management Of The Cryptocurrency Community: How To
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Charles Maynes
Nov 15, 2022
6:58 AM
You can create a crypto community with the aid of groups on Telegram, Discord, Reddit, Twitter, and other social media sites. A community can be built around your project by involving influencers, investors, developers, thought leaders, fans, enthusiasts, and other users on these platforms.

They create apps, host meetups, and contribute open-source code to your project in order to increase crowd sales on these platforms. Creating a cryptocurrency community can encourage crowdsourcing and ideas that will advance the project. Additionally, you can establish connections with your supporters to guarantee continued growth of your project.

You can get an engaged group of people committed to your project by creating a Telegram community. This provides a number of advantages, including user feedback to help improve the project, beneficial marketing, a customer service channel, and project ambassadors.

Additionally, you'll be able to learn more about video production services, which will help you better understand their needs. You have access to a large audience with more than 500 million users who can help you understand how to make your project the most successful.

Your project gains credibility by having its leaders and participants on Telegram. It demonstrates that your team is accessible to take suggestions, handle grievances, and respond to questions. Your community will appreciate the openness and recognize you as a genuine project rather than a swindle.
Nov 15, 2022
9:41 AM
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