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My 2021 Spectrum bill showed an increase.
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Sep 27, 2022
7:53 AM
My cable bill was similar to last year. I don't take rates blindly. Before signing 6-month, 1-year, and 2-year contracts, I talk to the sales agent.

Usually, I say I like the service but not the price. The sales guy usually asks what services I use, so I tell them briefly. I then say I've gotten competitive offers from competitors or other providers.local cable and tv deals

The sales agent then searches my account to discover what services I've added. My prior pricing was based on a promotion, hence new pricing is in effect. I generally communicate displeasure politely. I'm silent afterward. Do not fear silence. Keep quiet until the salesperson prompts you. Often, the sales agent promises to cut my rate.

This is key. I want a reduced price with the same or better service. Lowering the rate because I have less is a loss.

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