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Message Board > What should a CS student put on his resume?
What should a CS student put on his resume?
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Sep 26, 2022
4:38 AM
If you want to land a job in computer science, here's how to make your resume stand out: Don't forget to sign off with your contact details. Please include a brief explanation of your professional qualifications.... Include your level of education. Provide specifics about your previous work experience.... Bring attention to your technological expertise. Supplement your resume with relevant credentials and accolades. Projects that fit this description should be included.Resume in 99
Oct 02, 2022
6:53 AM
Are any of you interested in buying doors that will suit your architectural style? This door company sells Contemporary, Shaker, Traditional, Craftsman, French, and Victorian doors. Here's the link to https://caldwells.com/interior-doors/rustic-doors more of them.

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